News for Fairbanks
LOOKING FOR LOVE AGAIN in Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
April 17, 2011 in Design Labs, Fairbanks
LOOKING FOR LOVE AGAIN: Reception on April 15
April 15, 2011 in Design Labs, Fairbanks
5pm at the Polaris Building. Contribute your memories and hopes for the building!
6pm at Gambardella’s for food and refreshments. Please join us!
Fairbanks Update
April 13, 2011 in Design Labs, Fairbanks
Candy Chang gave an uplifting presentation at the Blue Loon last night, and both the artist and the audience engaged in a thoughtful Q&A session afterward.
We’re almost done setting the giant message on our giant piece of construction fabric. Thanks to all of our volunteers for helping grid, outline, and paint. Next up: how to best attach this to the Polaris?

Interview on Alaska Public Radio
April 12, 2011 in Design Labs, Fairbanks
Looking For Love Again artist Candy Chang was interviewed by KUAC. Listen to the story on
Chandy Chang at the Blue Loon on Tuesday, April 12
April 12, 2011 in Design Labs, Fairbanks
Candy Change – public installation artist, designer, urban planner – will give a brief presentation at 6pm on Tuesday, April 12 at the Blue Loon, on both Looking For Love Again as well as her greater body of work. This is a free event. Reception to follow. Please join us.
Tell Us Your Hopes and Memories of the Polaris Building
April 12, 2011 in Design Labs, Fairbanks
The street-level component of Looking For Love Again opened for business yesterday, with the installation of the chalk holders. By nightfall, people had begun to participate – sharing their memories of the past, and dreams of the future – by writing on the chalkboards.
For those who are not able to participate in downtown Fairbanks, Candy will soon launch a website that will accept memories of and dreams for the Polaris building (a virtual chalkboard). We’ll post the website address here within the next day or so. Read more
COMMON SPACE in Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
April 11, 2011 in Design Labs, Fairbanks
Looking Good
April 11, 2011 in Design Labs, Fairbanks
Yesterday Candy Chang, David Hayden and the Fairbanks crew finished the stitching (to make the construction fabric “canvas” the necessary dimensions), and painted the first word.
If all goes according to plan, the painted fabric will ornament the Polaris building by Thursday or Friday. Thanks to Sue, Jessica, Carol, Dave, Jack, Trent and Mike for helping to stitch, grid and paint, and to Bettisworth North for providing the grid printouts. Read more
Street-Level Installation Done
April 11, 2011 in Design Labs, Fairbanks
Photos of the chalkboards going up at the Polaris building this past Saturday.