Photos of SOFT PAVILION Installations Added
April 17, 2011 in Anchorage, Design Labs
Click here to see a sampling of photos, as well as links to Soft Pavilion collections by photographers Clark James Mishler and Hal Gage.
Click here to see a sampling of photos, as well as links to Soft Pavilion collections by photographers Clark James Mishler and Hal Gage.
4pm at the Anchorage Museum, and 5:30pm at the Delaney park strip.
Join us at Flattop today for Soft Pavilion. Here are the schedule details. You might also want to participate in the performance.
Trial run at the Flattop foothills
Anchorage: we need your help. Do you have a sewing machine and a little free time to help us sew 100 15’x15′ pieces of brilliant yellow fabric, to be used in the performances of Soft Pavilion? Join artists Pezo von Ellrichshausen and ADF coordinator Garrett Burtner, and get down with the yellow.
We have two sewing sessions scheduled, from 1pm-7pm on Tuesday April 12 & Wednesday April 13. Location: the MCG Architects annex, which is the red building across from MCG, at 901 W. Photo Ave. (near Northern Lights and Arctic).
Please send an email to if you are interested and available. We appreciate your assistance in making this project happen. Read more
Looking for volunteers to be draped in golden fabric and experience our shared spaces in a whole new light, as part of Soft Pavilion.
Wednesday, April 13: We need 20+ standby volunteers for small- to mid-scale group deployment, flash mob style.
Thursday, April 14: We need 50+ plus performers for a performance at Flattop. Meet at 5:30pm at the Glen Alps (Flattop) parking lot.
Friday, April 15: We need 50-100 performers for performances at 4:00pm (Anchorage Museum) and 5:30pm (Delaney park strip). Potluck to follow.
See more details, or send an email to if you would like to participate.
A big thanks to Lisa, Kim, Sarah, Joan, Karen and Caleb for joining Garrett on the 3/27 sewing party. We’re having another sewing party on Sunday April 3.
20 blankets sewn, 23 total. 77 to go. If you have a sewing machine and have a few hours on Sunday April 3, we’d love to have your assistance. Check out all of the beautiful yellow!
The Soft Pavilion installation/performances will span three days – April 13-15. We’ll post locations here once they’ve been determined.
2500 yards of yellow habutae fabric has arrived in Anchorage. The sewing has begun.
There will be a sewing party in Anchorage this Sunday (March 27) from 12pm-4pm. Help us realize the Soft Pavilion!